Sunday, September 28, 2014

Holy shit is this real life? Does he really STILL post in here?

Don't really know why I'm doing this..... Actually I do. You're my entire world Brenna Mac, it is a weird/wonderful feeling knowing that no matter how much time we spend apart or however time we spend without talking that I will always love you. It's just very conflicting because sometimes I think you feel the same way and other times I don't think you feel that way about me. Hope you're doing wonderful... Don't really know when you'll end up seeing this. If too much time goes by, I'll just spill the beans and tell you about this post.There is nowhere else i want to be except back home with you... and its terrible because we didn't even hangout when we had the chance. If I have one regret from High School, It would be not being straight forward with you about how I feel. I've been head or heels for you since day one. But timing was never our thing....Maybe one day everything will fall into place between us. Love you B, Forever and ever.

PS... Figured I'd throw Ben Rector in here, He's all over this page haha but he just knows how to say the words that I think.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Sometimes I don't even know why I like you, but I do. and I just can't seem to stop
some how, other people's songs seem to sum up exactly how I feel about you B.... and when I say other people, Ben Rector is what I mean. ha

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Hey Bwenda. I figured this was the best place to try and comfort you. For over a year now, I've have been in love with you. It's never been about anything more than you. You're just an amazing girl. You wanna know what I think about when you ask me what I'm thinking of? Im thinking of all the amazing times I had with you. I think back to why I fell in love with you. You make me happy Brenna! Happier than anybody else. When I fell in love with you, I fell in love with you and who you are before I ever fell in love with your body. I don't want to chase you off because of what happened tonight. Ya we took things too fast, but lets just back pedal. Watching tv with you is some of the best times I've had. You're a sweet girl and I hate seeing you sad. I'm hoping we can continue what we had going before tonight. You mean the world to me. And I wouldn't want this to change the way you feel about me

Thursday, September 19, 2013

This song sums up everything between us haha maybe one day you'll get lonely and come on here, but I doubt you'll see this anytime soon, maybe things will have changed by then.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

HEY! it's been a while since I've been on here! haha I heard this song on pandora and it really reminded me of you haha mostly because the title reminds me of your eyes!! well, I'll make this short, I miss you Bwendaa. I always think about you on the days leading up to prom now, there isn't a single person i would rather go with then you. But it doesn't matter. I hope everything is good in your life! i doubt you'll ever check this stupid old place again haha. Maybe sometime soon we will talk again, I hope you miss me too!

Monday, February 11, 2013

I would swim with the sharks, 
With no cage or no suit;
I would jump out a plane, 
Lacking only a chute;
I would wrestle a gator, 
In the swamps of Sarasota;
Or conquer the cold, 
In the alps of Europa;
I would cut off a finger,
Better yet make it two;
Because there isn't a thing,
That  I wouldn't do... For you